Aerolase NEO
Aerolase NEO Services
The Aerolase Neo provides safe and effective treatment for patients of all skin types and tones, including those with darker skin, avoiding the pigmentary risks associated with other laser systems.
Key Benefits
Revolutionary Technology: 650-microsecond laser energy avoids overheating epidermal melanocytes.
Effective and Pleasant: Delivers sought-after results with fewer treatments.
The Aerolase Neo Elite represents a groundbreaking advancement in aesthetic medical lasers, offering comprehensive, safe, and effective treatments for various skin conditions and concerns across all skin types and tones.
This Aerolase Neo treatment offers a revolutionary approach to treating acne for patients of all ages and skin types using advanced 650-microsecond technology. This powerful treatment addresses all major acne factors, including excess sebum production, inflammation, and C. acnes bacteria, with a single device.
Key Benefits
Single Device Solution: Eliminates the need for multiple treatments or medications.
Deep Penetration: Safely and tolerably penetrates the skin to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy acne-causing bacteria.
Quick and Comfortable: Visible results in as little as a few treatments, with no side effects.
Cost-Effective: An affordable alternative to prescription medications.
Treatment Details
Duration: 10-30 minutes, depending on the severity and area of acne.
Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment
This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats melasma and hyperpigmentation for patients of all skin types. By addressing epidermal and dermal melanin and vascular components, it offers a comprehensive solution for these complex conditions.
Key Benefits
Comprehensive Treatment: Targets melanin deposits and vascular components to achieve clearance.
Minimal Adverse Effects: Highly tolerable with minimal risk compared to traditional treatments.
Accelerated Clearance: Can be combined with peels for faster results.
Treatment Details
Duration: 15-20 minutes.
Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
This Aerolase Neo treatment provides advanced skin rejuvenation and tightening by addressing multiple skin concerns, including tone, texture, and laxity, with a single device.
Key Benefits
Multi-Targeted Approach: Treats fine lines, enlarged pores, sun damage, and age spots.
Collagen Stimulation: Promotes collagen production to reduce fine lines and tighten skin.
Quick and Customizable: Tailored treatment to address individual patient needs.
Treatment Details
Duration: 20-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats rosacea, redness, veins, and broken capillaries with deep-penetrating laser energy that suppresses inflammation and coagulates unwanted veins.
Key Benefits
Comprehensive Treatment: Addresses all components of rosacea and redness.
Quick Sessions: Typically completed in 20-25 minutes.
Comfortable and Safe: Highly tolerable with no need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
Inflammation Suppression: Deep-penetrating energy suppresses inflammation.
No Side Effects: Compared to traditional therapies.
Fast Treatment and Clearance: Quicker results than other light-based therapies
Key Benefits
Comprehensive Treatment: Addresses all components of rosacea and redness.
Quick Sessions: Typically completed in 20-25 minutes.
Comfortable and Safe: Highly tolerable with no need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
This Aerolase Neo treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick, and effective, often requiring only two or four treatments.
Key Benefits
Deep Penetration: Ensures effective heating of the nail bed to destroy fungal material.
Quick Recovery: Patients can resume daily activities immediately after treatment.
Preventive Care: Recommendations to avoid reinfection post-treatment.
Preventive Care Regimen
1. Apply antifungal cream for 2 weeks post-procedure.
2. Spray inside shoes with antifungal spray; avoid wearing shoes for 2 days.
3. Spray feet or fingers with antifungal spray on an ongoing basis.
4. Change sheets the first night after treatment.
5. Cleanse the shower floor with a bleach-based cleaner.
6. Sterilize nail instruments with bleach.
7. Discard any previously used nail polish.
8. Exercise caution in public areas.
The Aerolase Neo provides a gentle, virtually painless laser hair removal experience. Multiple sessions ensure effective removal during the hair's growth phase.
Key Benefits
Virtually Painless: Gentler and more pleasant than other lasers.
Effective Treatment: A series of treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart ensure maximum results.
This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats PFB by targeting the melanin in the hair and surrounding hyperpigmentation without overheating the epidermal melanin.
Key Benefits
Quick and Safe: 650-microsecond pulse duration ensures quick energy delivery without overheating.
Effective for Darker Skin Types: Safe and effective for skin types IV through VI.